
Customer Testimonials

Les and Paul Fairhead are a father and son business which we have been dealing with for many years.

They are knowledgeable, honest and totally trustworthy for any soft landscaping planting requirement.

We are very grateful to deal with them and would have wished to have been introduced to them earlier.

Both Les and Paul have trusting relationships with many other Nurserymen in this country and overseas and this knowledge and background makes a formidable team for any requirement that we have ever required. We will be dealing with them for many years to come.

David Levison - Director of Suburban Jungle Ltd

Paul and the team at fairheads have been supplying us for a few years now,they are helpful , friendly and informative, and if they haven't got it they do their very best to get it for us.I can't recommend them enough.

Dave Hannis - Manor Landscapes

We have been a customer of Les and Paul at Fairheads family run nursery for 20 years, and have always found both their customer service and knowledge a great help to the smooth running of our business .The delivery service is always prompt and reliable and the quality of the plants has never been in question, its always reassuring to deal with people who have years of experience in their field .

Many thanks

Bill Sutton - Lancasters Home and Garden 
Wholesale plants - Loughton, Essex - Harry Fairhead Ltd - Shrub
Want to become our next satisfied customer? Call us on
020 8508 1377
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